Jobs in Housing & Interior Design

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Jobs in Housing & Interior Design


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Careers in Interior Design

Main Career: Interior Designer

Interviewee: Kenneth Walter, Interior Designer

An interior designer specializes in designing architectural interiors and their furnishings. The interior designer often works with the architectural plan to understand the space and safety issues for a home’s layout. However, they’ll work directly with the client, or homeowner, when it comes time to decide the look of each room.

Kenneth Walter is the major partner in the interior design firm Gray and Walter. He does most of his designing from his home office. As colors, fabrics and furniture are selected for the interior, he works with several other professions to complete the job. This stage of design might also be done by an interior decorator, which is not the same as an interior designer. Interior designers are skilled at more than making rooms attractive—they are also welleducated in making rooms safe.

When the project is finished, the interior designer and client walk through the property to ensure the client is pleased with the finished product. After final approval, the project comes to a close.